A Christmas Carol
*Presented in 2017
Cast: Jason K. Ralph and Naret Loots
Director: Elizma Badenhorst
Music: Wessel Odendaal
Production Design: Elizma Badenhorst
Animation: Naret Loots
VRT expands to collaborate with various artists under the banner CREWWORKS to bring to the stage Charles Dickens’ evergreen tale of redemption, A CHRISTMAS CAROL, with Jason K. Ralph as ‘Scrooge’ and Naret Loots as ‘Everyone Else’ in this animated 2-hander adaptation by Elizma Badenhorst.
“Bah, Humbug!" The famous exclamation of Ebenezer Scrooge will be heard this Christmas season at Pieter Toerien`s Upstairs Studio Theatre between 27 November and 7 January.
This classic holiday favourite will come to life as you have never seen it before, wearing a brand new interactive jacket featuring animation and an original score. This production will be a sumptuous banquet for the eyes, ears and imagination; a sensory delight for any tired soul.
Introducing several ghosts and characters from his past, present and future, the play takes us on an emotional journey from the old Scrooge`s tight-fisted, miserly ways, to the new Scrooge, spreading goodwill and cheer through his generous spirit. Perfect for the entire family, this outing is bound to become a family tradition!